dimanche 22 février 2009

The Origin of the Merovingians and Genesis.

The origin of the Merovingians.
Have you ever try to know something about the kings beyond the stories of the science-fiction and fantasy. Consider their famous hair. It is said that they have hair as boar-bristle on their spine. That information even on the web is very difficult to get. Once an historian told me that was even true for their females; by him I know that if the Hughes Capet mother had had not these famous bristle-boar like hairs on her spine, Hughes Capet would have never been the king, the first of a new line, the Capetians.
So, the kings have a distinct trait, this bristle-boar hair on their back. They also have an elongated skull; probably the name 'square head', come from an observation of their heads. They come out of nowhere in Europe with the tribe of the Franks.

They have red hair. And that is an information which has almost disappeared. Imagine a film about Jesus and his disciples, almost all of them with red hair. Not common Jew, were they.
When I was a new converted, the Bible for me was entirely a Holy Book. But it is not so. The Bible is a tool for the making of religions.
As for the Catholic Church, they need a unique son. What had done the Bible for them? In Zechariah, a phrase about a unique son said that there would be a man who will be considered as an unique son. That phrase alone has one theological signification for the Catholic Church. But a second phrase has disappeared from all the known versions of the Bible; a phrase which specifies two sons. How an entire phrase, of a holy book, be missing from all copies of the Bible at once; if so all the holy books, which were in different regions, had been tampered and shorten one phrase. With that second phrase, the theology of the Unique son of God would have been impossible.

The most curious is that. If you read Zechariah you can already come to the conclusion of the two servitors of God. The missing phrase will claim the existence of two sons. But the believers had never been able to see something going against their faith; they have read and have seen nothing, because they want desperately to believe; they are superstitious.
And now with the most recent and oldest of the holy texts, the Dead Sea Scrolls, we have the proof that the Bible has been tampered with. We must realize that that Bible has twisted information, and that began with Genesis. And it ends with the Revelation, l'apocalypse. That one in modern theology is known to have a different author than John. The book claims coming from John and it is not him the author. For me, whatever reasons they got to justify the maintaining of that book in the Bible, the book is a fraud.

Who was Adam.
If you want to understand Genesis, you must see who has written the text. It is a 'priest', it is said. It is supposed to be a unique person. It is unknown that it is the product of a collectivity. When Moses found his people adoring a gold cow, the people had been subverted. Those, who had subverted the people for the cow, had also written the holy text. And they were also the priests who were with Pharaoh. Secret Society.I said that it exist since the era of the shamans a secret society of priests. That secret society is the real leader of this planet. That society spawned the Jew religion, the Catholic religion, and the Islam. I called them the Hydra with four Heads.
So, they have prepared a text called Genesis. It has been read to simple persons who had a distant memory of the events quoted in the genesis. In the original text of Genesis, there is no subdivision, only the phrases. These people had understood the lecture of the book in a way different of us. As there is no subdivision, the chapter 2 verse 1 is the verse 32. Up to verse 35, it is the creation by God and now he is sleeping. And verse 36 ends with: nor was there any man to till the soil. This phrase gives us the impression there is no man when Adam was created. The subtitle accompanying verse 36 is: The second account of the creation: Paradise.
That phrase: nor was there any man to till the soil, can also be said: there were men, and no man tills the soil. So, the second account of the creation begins with... there were men and none tills the soil. The addition of subdivisions twisted the story of Genesis. So God was sleeping, and Yahweh God had created the Adam. The Yahweh God was the walking giant. The destruction upon Sodom and Gomorrah was set by the little human attendants of the Giant; it was not God who set the destruction.

Once, the planets of our system had life. They created bombs, they travelled between the planets, and they vanished. But before, they had come to earth.

The rings on Moon or Venus, for almost all of them, are marks of bomb; that is my proof as student in geography.

There are two accounts of giants who came on the Earth: one in South America, and our Bible.They had come, and make some friends, and were received by the priests. What had been said between them, we will never know. These visitors insisted on being gods; Yahweh gods. Adam was to be a demi-god, of divine right. It is a myth, the myth of the Kings. They were red hair people, with bristle-boar hair on their back, and were to be the Merovingians. Mero = man?, vin = wine, gian = giant. Only the existence of a secret society may explain the lack of information about them in the History as the missing phrase of Zechariah.
What would we do, if ever we meet a young planet, or moon, with life? Would we not be trying to help them the most? They had done so for us.

Life origin.
Jesus propose a mechanism for the creation of life. When he talks about adorers coming from the rocks, it is not an allegory, it is the reality. The first life forms on Earth were molecules on the surface of granite. Granite is but sand and metals. The metals in our body are the ash that will remain of our body once burned. Metals are catalysts. Once, the metals in the granite had begun the reactions that still go on in our body. The granite would still be able to start new primary life forms, but some conditions are no more present. So, any planet in the universe may engender life. In our planetary system, the planets had life successively. The same processes were at works but have begun not at the same time. So, there had been a succession of planets, up to us. But, do they have helped us or them. There is a universal problem with genetics for a race: the mitochondria.
Eventually for a race, for an old race, there would be no viable child between male and female; the genetics of the mitochondria is kaput. So for a race, to continue to exist is to find new females from younger races. With Adam, they have given us their genetics. But I bet they had had a lot of young females in their Paradise before they closed it off. They are still alive, but I doubt that the descendants of Adam are present on Earth these days. Had they want us slaves, they would have do it at the epoch of Adam, at the start, and they still can do it, make us slaves.
They let us evolve.

So, we are the sons of the Universe, the sons of God, and amongst us are those who are more god than others.Me, I have not red hair, nor bristle-boar hair. But I have curious eyes. I have as-petals on a dark back. They are green dark and can change color. Green goes with red hair people. But that the petals-like are moving must be very rare, as rare as that double heart of mine. So, if I am to be a Merovingian, my father and my mother are not my father and my mother. I may be a cousin of kings with such ancestry as bourbeau, noble, levasseur, but that is not enough. I would have to meet Merovingian ladies, and they would have to have child, not different would the father have been an authentic Merovingian.

In the vast Universe, I suppose they are only one of those gangs out there. Invisible beings do exist, often they associated with magician. To have the pretention to be god amongst all those gangs is derisory. But that god thing story, it may be an invention of the priests. As I have said; there had been a meeting, a compact between the priests and the strangers, the giants. We see by now that the secret society had always had the intention of eliminating these Merovingians.

For ending, I would say that, if Rael read me, he will make jaundice.

Yours sincerely, Pierre Verville Jardinier forestier

with the help of Microsoft Word

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